User avatar Besnik

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Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

The linking wasn’t completed in the required time.
Lidhja s’u plotësua brenda kohës së domosdoshme.
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

The request was denied on the other device.
Kërkesa u hodh poshtë në pajisjen tjetër.
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

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Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

QR code is invalid.
Kodi QR është i pavlefshëm.
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

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Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Linking failed
Lidhja dështoi
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

You are now signed in on your other device.
Tani jeni i futur te pajisja juaj tjetër.
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Waiting for device to sign in.
Po pritet që të bëhet hyrja te pajisja.
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Connecting to device
Po lidhet me pajisjen
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
Ju lutemi, sigurohuni se e dini origjinën e këtij kodi. Duke lidhur pajisje, do t’i jepni dikujt hyrje të plotë në llogarinë tuaj.
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Confirm that the code below matches with your other device:
Ripohoni se kodi më poshtë përkon me atë në pajisjen tuaj tjetër:
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Secure connection established
U vendos lidhje e siguruar
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

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Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Position the QR code in the square below
Vendoseni kodin QR te kuadrati më poshtë
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

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Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Scan QR code
Skanoni kodin QR
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Select ‘Sign in with QR code’
Përzgjidhni “Hyni me kod QR”
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Open Element on your other device
Hapeni Element-in në pajisjen tuaj tjetër
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
Skanoni kodin QR më poshtë me pajisjen ku është bërë dalja.
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

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Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Link a device
Lidhni një pajisje
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Show QR code on this device
Shfaq kod QR te kjo pajisje
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

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Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Need an alternative method?
Ju duhet një metodë alternative?
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Select ‘Show QR code on this device’
Përzgjidhni “Shfaq kod QR në këtë pajisje”
a year ago
User avatar Besnik

Translation uploaded

Element iOS / Element iOSAlbanian

Select ‘Link a device’
Përzgjidhni “Lidhni një pajisje”
a year ago
